Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I've heard a lot recently how blood is thicker than water but something has always bugged me about that phrase. Blood can be washed away just like any other liquid. It might stain the surface but it fades. I wish I could honestly believe that people could change and that the sun will come out tomorrow and that blood is thicker than water but I know differently. Sometimes it rains for days on end and it seems like the sun will never shine again. I guess sometimes it just takes time for wounds to heal and for people to remember to be happy with what they have. After all if you can't be happy with yourself and what you have why should others be happy with you?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

New things to come!

I know it's been a while since I last posted but a lot has been going on since then. One of the latest things to happen is the creation of Bits and Bobs! Look for the name to pop up o on etsy coming here soon. It is the name of the jewelry company I'm creating! I'm so excited!! :-)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


11 its a prime number we all know that but for me it is more. When you add the individual digits together it has a sum of 2, and we all know 2 is better than 1. I have a different way of looking at the number. 11 months ago you swept me off my feet and showed me a world that was new and exciting. I believed you when you said you cared and never questioned after 6 months when you still hadn't told me you loved me even though I burned with passion. At 9 months you threw every thing away and crushed my spirit. My own best friend and lover left me in fear. Now at 11 you reappear in my life bright and shining but kept alone. Will you let me in? Please let me in.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Just wow

Last night I went to an amazing belly dance show put on by some of my good friends. While I was there I managed to fill up an 8gb sd card and part of a 16gb card! The grand total of pictures was 1,172!!! I'm impressed with my self!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Conversations with a ghost

You see the world as yours for the taking don't you? But did you ever stop to think who you would be hurting? Or is that to Mich to ask? You take take take but when you don't receive you stomp your foot and throw a tantrum like a child. I step back and look at you and wonder, will things ever change? Will you ever stop and think before you do? I wish I could say yes but you're just a ghost and ghost don't listen.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Grown up things.

So I don't know if anybody even reads my blog but it is a place for me to post what's going on with my art and the latest is becoming an adult about certain things. I have now made business cards (crapy pic of it) and this summer will be taking commissions and doing photo shoots. They will be both playful and special occasions if I can manage.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Not your average vamp

Through my eyes everything is different. Not different as in the colors are askew or everything is upside down, but I can see peoples pulses. Every pulse has it's own color and some are much more tasty than others. Take that man over there on the bench. Most girls see his strong jaw line, long brown hair, and keen style that make him very handsome. Me on the other hand see the green glow that vibrates from his skin. I bet he tastes like candy.

Now that I sure that I have puzzled you completely, let me introduce myself. My name is Karry Lochherd and I'm a special kind of vampire. My mother was a vampire and my father was a fae. From what I've been told Ma was part of a vampire gypsy clan and one summer they came through the forest that my Dad's family ruled over. It was love at first sight they told me when I was younger, but the pain in their eyes when they told the story leads me to think it wasn't that glamorous.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Long time, no inspiration

I know it's been a while since I updated last but inspiration has been hard to come by. But tonight I got some work done and would like invite everyone to find "The Art of Brittani Hausenfleck" page on Facebook.

Monday, January 28, 2013

First prints

I know I've missed a few days of posting but inspiration has been alluding me, but here are the first prints of the semester from my photography class.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Late Night Write (warning pg13)

Toni  stood in front of her mirror fidgeting with her sleek purple dress as she waited for him to arrive. All she knew about this guy Adrian was that he was very rich and how could she say no to her best friend when she set them up. 

Toni continued to perfect her look when the dork bell rang. Hurrying down the stairs she took a moment at the door before she opened it. Standing there was a tall man with stunning features and long brown hair that hung to his shoulders. "wow" she thought to her self as she continued to look him up and down.

Adrian took her hand and kissed it. "You are more beautiful than Kara described." His voice was deep and soothing and she knew if she wasn't careful he could get her to do anything that he pleased.

He kept hold of her hand all the way to the limo and most of the way through dinner. He couldn't help but want to very touching her. He wanted her. As he watched her laugh and enjoy herself during dinner he began to grow. Anticipation ripped through his body. "Just make it through dinner." He kept telling himself that until they made it back to the limo.

On their way home the two continued to drink carelessly as they chatted until they found themselves closer than they had been all night. Toni let her hair fall soft around her face as she moved close to him until she could kiss his neck. His skin burned with desire as her lips danced across him. "Careful love don't want to be starting thinos you can't finish." Toni smirked as she moved to her knees on the seat and straddled his lap. "Now what makes you think I can't finish things?" She smirked again as she began to grind on him feeling his stiff length beneath her.

Adrian let out a deep groan groans his hands moved up her thighs pushing her dress up further til it was off and he was left with Toni mostly naked on his lap. His eyes fell to her breasts as they sat perfectly in her lace bra but it wasn't long til his eyes wandered lower to see matching lace. "You are good enough to eat." He groaned out as he grinned wickedly showing large fangs built dork tearing into flesh. "This should be fun for both of us deary and when its down we will do it again." He chuckled as worry crept across her face as he dove into her neck. He bit hard as he held her to him savoring every sound and taste her tender body let him have. "And now you're mine."

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cherish the Ladies

Tonight I had the pleasure of seeing the Celtic group Cherish the Ladies and they were simply wonderful. It reminded me of how much I love Celtic music and reminds me of a wonderful festival that used to happen in North Ga. The North Ga Celtic Festival was a great time to see crafts of all kinds and fabulous musicians. I still hold memories from it close to my heart and will always remember the fun had there.

Progress has been made

As I get closer to completing this adventure I can truly say it has been an interesting one. I worked so hard on her form that the background is suffering horribly. In many ways I just want to re do it completely in hopes of improving the design, but alas time is a wicked friend of mine that doesn't always work in my favor.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Life as an art major

I grew up never knowing what I wanted to do and as art got to be a bigger part of my life I decided to go to college for it. Let me tell you this, it isn't all it's cracked up to be.

It is hard. Possibly the hardest thing I've ever done. Not only is it a lot of work but it can start to wear on you emotionally. I have met some truly talented people that I wouldn't trade for the world but at the same time it hurts to see their work every day and know you are no where near as talented.

No matter what someone tells you there is always self doubt about our work. We are hounded so much to add content to our pieces and to male them personal but why does artwork always have to have extreme content? Im pretty decent at what I do but what I like most is making beautiful pieces that people want to look at.

But with beauty comes pain I guess. In the past three years that I have been an art major the pains iny wrist have heightened so much that there are times I feel helpless and useless. I just hope that even when the day comes that I am no longer able to make art that I will still be able to bring beauty to the world.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Carve til it hurts

So I have started to carve my wood block for my first printmaking piece and it might be the death of my wrist. I didn't quite realize how painful it would be to do. I love the experience and it is easy to do but it is a chore. Hopefully tomorrow process pics will be posted.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Face off!

I have really grown to love the SyFy show Face Off. I love to watch the transformation from concept to executed product. I love to play around with different character ideas but simply don't have the means or time to create the master pieces that the contestants do.

One day I want to explore more into the world of special effects makeup. Here is a little taste of what I have done. This was a tester makeup for the zombie prom at dragon con.

Trying new things

This is the final sketch of my first printmaking piece. Not only will this be my first print but is also the first time I ever drew a furry. Im very happy with it.

Late night write

Maurice laid there in his bed staring up into what seemed to be an infinite ceiling as his mind reeled over the days activities. He loved being his pint-sized self during the day. Images of him as a little black and tan chihuahua in his girlfriend's hand bag made him chuckled. It still baffled him that his 6'3" slender frame shrunk down that much, but his girlfriend didn't seem to have a problem with her sometimes flee bitten love. 

Leaning up he watched her walk into the room from her office with his t-shirt on. His mouth watered as she sauntered over to him and climbed in bed with him. Wiggling against him she made her intentions well known to him before she snuffed out the lights illuminating their faces.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Turning over a new leaf...

So after the first week of classes I have decided to start up this blog in order to try to organize my thoughts and artist ideas. As I start what is my second to last year of school I find myself lost as to where my interests lie.  I know several people that are so set in their ways and in their own abilities that in a way I feel jealous of them at times. I have so  many interests that my brain feels crammed and unorganized most times. It is my hopes that this blog will help clear my mind of the clutter and organize my thoughts into a place where they are not rejected by my own self doubts.