Thursday, January 17, 2013

Life as an art major

I grew up never knowing what I wanted to do and as art got to be a bigger part of my life I decided to go to college for it. Let me tell you this, it isn't all it's cracked up to be.

It is hard. Possibly the hardest thing I've ever done. Not only is it a lot of work but it can start to wear on you emotionally. I have met some truly talented people that I wouldn't trade for the world but at the same time it hurts to see their work every day and know you are no where near as talented.

No matter what someone tells you there is always self doubt about our work. We are hounded so much to add content to our pieces and to male them personal but why does artwork always have to have extreme content? Im pretty decent at what I do but what I like most is making beautiful pieces that people want to look at.

But with beauty comes pain I guess. In the past three years that I have been an art major the pains iny wrist have heightened so much that there are times I feel helpless and useless. I just hope that even when the day comes that I am no longer able to make art that I will still be able to bring beauty to the world.

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