Sunday, March 24, 2013

Just wow

Last night I went to an amazing belly dance show put on by some of my good friends. While I was there I managed to fill up an 8gb sd card and part of a 16gb card! The grand total of pictures was 1,172!!! I'm impressed with my self!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Conversations with a ghost

You see the world as yours for the taking don't you? But did you ever stop to think who you would be hurting? Or is that to Mich to ask? You take take take but when you don't receive you stomp your foot and throw a tantrum like a child. I step back and look at you and wonder, will things ever change? Will you ever stop and think before you do? I wish I could say yes but you're just a ghost and ghost don't listen.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Grown up things.

So I don't know if anybody even reads my blog but it is a place for me to post what's going on with my art and the latest is becoming an adult about certain things. I have now made business cards (crapy pic of it) and this summer will be taking commissions and doing photo shoots. They will be both playful and special occasions if I can manage.